More and more people are working for themselves, and realize that they no longer want to give their power away in the form of money, time, or passion, to someone else. One of the biggest forms of injustice on this planet, that is at the root of all perpetration from one human to another, has to do with the inequity around the resources that people have.
When we perceive that we don't have enough, we go into survival mode, and a very non-intelligent part of our brain is triggered--the reptilian brain--which has to do with the primitive survival reactions of flight, fight, playing dead or submission (one of the most commonly experienced reactions).
More people are experiencing working for someone else as a form of submission. I have heard one person after the other say, "I felt as if I was dying." "I was numb, like a zombie." "Every day I wanted to run away."
I realize that not everyone who is employed by someone else experiences survival reactions. Many people prefer going to their job, doing their work and leaving the day-to-day operations to someone else. However, statistics show that more people, particularly women, are opening small businesses and becoming their own boss. The rise in mompreneurs (moms who have home-based businesses) is phenomenal, allowing women who want to be there for the raising of their children to continue to have financial independence.
Working for yourself does not eliminate the tendency to have your survival instincts triggered. In fact, they get triggered even more, because you have taken a HUGE STEP to take back the power you have been giving to some external authority. Studies show that people who grew up in working class families are even more likely to be triggered, since there is the additional challenge of moving beyond a certain "set point" for success. This can be done!!
To become your own boss, you must not only take the outer steps toward that end, but you must reclaim your inner authority around three big issues: your VALUE, your POWER, and your WORTH.
1. Your VALUE has to do with the ability to truly value what you have to offer. It is your ability to name and claim the Sacred Gift that only you can offer the world. It is not your purpose, but it leads you to that purpose.
You come to know your gift when its impact is reflected back to you from others, which brings up some element of risk, especially if you have been criticized in the past. It does not matter if you are at the beginning of the process of becoming your own boss, or already have a business, you do not claim your VALUE in a vacuum.
ACTION STEP *** Ask 3 close friends or 3 clients what they value most about you. Write their words down. Breathe. Take it in.
2. Your POWER has to do with your ability to extend yourself to others. It is your reach, your ability to create and extend an offer that will allow your GIFT to be known to by others. It is only as strong as your ability to VALUE that gift.
ACTION STEP *** Ask 3 close friends or clients what they would want the most from you if they could spend 3 hours with you. Breathe. Take it in.
3. Your WORTH has to do with your sense of worthiness to ask for and receive. Oh yes, it is last but not least. I have seen so many passionate people fail to reach their dreams, and fail to manifest financial abundance, because they do know how to allow the abundance in. Something gets in the way.
They may actually value what they have to offer, and work hard to make the offer, and the money does not flow steadily in.
Here is where the rubber meets the road. There is no quick fix to a broken sense of worthiness. It is why I often say that entrepreneurship is the fast track to enlightenment.
ACTION STEPS *** Acknowledge to yourself, in this moment, if you are where you want to be in your life and business. If you are not, decide one step you will take to get the support to change that. By so doing, you are already shifting your worthiness to receive. Breathe. Take it in.
If you are your own boss, or are thinking of taking that step, you must remember that the real leverage comes from within. There are countless steps to implement, and much new learning involved, but without doing the inner work as well, old survival patterns can take over and you are no longer your own boss.
Learning to align yourself on a daily and at times moment-to-moment basis with your own soul is essential. Then whatever happens, you know you have called it forth. Let your guidance come from the boss within!!
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