Monday, 13 October 2014

Make Money Online By Changing Your Mindset

There are many people who want to earn money on the internet. They may become bored with the regular nine to five, or want extra money. They tentatively work for a few months, and then give up as nothing seems to be happening. This is not down to ability, and not lack of work rate. I believe it is down to mindset and focus…
Clinical Hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Jon Rhodes
red-ladyTo make money online you have to be passionate about your work. This is because you usually have to work hard for up to two years before you start seeing financial rewards. This can be demoralizing. It causes many people to give up before they had a real chance of success.
My advice is to find something that you are passionate about, and base your business around that. I am passionate about hypnotherapy. I wake up in the morning and I’m itching to work. I often have to drag myself away from my work. To me it’s not work, its fun. I don’t really class what I do as ‘work’.
Making money online is a nice bonus for me. This mind set has helped me work for a long period for no financial reward. This allowed me to build up my online businesses patiently and properly.
If I didn’t enjoy what I was doing I would have given up a long time ago.
Instead of being worried by ‘failure’, I was motivated by success. I wanted to reach out and help as many people as possible. Anyone I helped online was better than none. I was learning what worked for my online business, and what didn’t.
A lot of people have problems with distractions. They check their emails, have a look on a news site, check their Adsense revenue, go on Facebook, play a game, and check their emails again. Does this sound familiar? They may spend 5 hours at the keyboard, but only do an hour or two of work. This can seriously hamper your chances of success.  You could probably double your output without noticing. This would then double your speed to success.
bruce2You can also increase your passion in the area you are working. One tactic I have used to help people is to get them to visualize their internet business as a game.
The amount of money you make over a month is your score.  You must try and beat your previous score every month. You may wish to set yourself score targets. Be playful and creative about it.
Whether you are seeking links to your site, networking on social sites, article writing, building content, or even increasing your knowledge. View it as part of the game. Every little thing you do makes a small but important contribution to your score. This helps some people stay motivated and focused.
There is one cool aspect of this game that is unlike nearly every game (with perhaps the exception of online poker!). If you do well you can earn real tangible money. Not only do you have the pleasure and privilege of playing this game, you can get paid for it.
You can spend loads of time on games or other distractions on the internet. Time spent on these does not lead to your personal success – online business does. This is a far better use of your time.

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