Friday 16 January 2015

Critical Approach to Online Money Making Systems

There probably are and have been tens of millions of customers who bought "money making" products on the Internet which were supposed to make them millionaires. And there are roughly ten million millionaires on the planet. This leads us to the conclusion that majority of those who hoped to make money on the Internet failed. Now why is that?

Most people who are rich and those who preach about becoming rich (irrelevant of whether they are rich themselves or not, and whether they made their millions only by telling others how to become rich or they had a proper business) will tell you that it is all up to you. If you make money the merit is yours if you fail to make money it is your fault, so "I want to earn online" approach is good. They will also tell you over and over again about 90/10 rule (90% of assets is owned by 10% of population). The problem with these statements is that they are true and they always have been. Maybe with the exception of some systems that promised to deliver equality were 99/1 rule applied. You just have to give them credit here this is clearly more equal but I am drifting too far away form the point here. Any way money can be made online but it is a business like any other and in order to succeed you have to approach it this way. If you want to get rich overnight there is an extremely powerful and reliable system, known for thousands of years it is a lottery, one of the verities of gambling (which can widely be used to try to get rich over night).

If you are desperate to make money and you want it now, buy some lottery tickets your chances of making a return on this investment are way, way higher than with an online money making system. Just think about it, why would anyone sell you for 39.99 or 99.99 or 199.00 a system that will generate you $1,000 within first four hours, $20,000 within first week and then it will keep bringing you 100.000 thousand a month, a system that they say only takes 5 hours to set up or even less. I am not talking about cliches like if it were as good as they claim they would keep the secret to themselves, it's far more than this it's just why would they even bother to waste time on selling a system that good. Look at it this way if it takes 5 hours to set up a system and then on "auto pilot" it will become fully operational after first month, so second month it will bring you full $100,000. Now the system is proven to work every single time so let's assume you work 10 hours a day (I think it's OK for the money). Well I want to earn online too but just think about it. This means you can establish two systems a day, that's 10 a week, 40 a month you have to give the last one a full month to work at full efficiency so it three months you would be making $4,000,000 a month. I hope you can see where I'm going. I am not saying you can't make $4,000,000 a month I'm just saying it takes more than $4,000 as an investment and 200 hours of work. If you want to make money online avoid everything that promises you this kind of result.

Nevertheless it is possible to make money online and if you are looking for a product that will help you make it examine the available products in terms of what tools it has to offer that will help you succeed. It has to be your success and not anybody else's, not a success you buy for $39.99 because nothing like that exists.

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